How to Get Google Adsense using Blogger

Getting Google Adsense approval is not so easy now a day. But, still almost all bloggers or webmasters are using Google Adsense on their sites/blogs. They are earning money and making their living better. Blogger platform is very popular for this process. Because, everyone doesn’t want to buy a domain to make a site. You can get approval easily and for free using it. Blogger is Google’s own product and you can create your blog for free. So, Google must give more priority to a blogger user and it is also easy to Get Google Adsense approval faster using blogger platform.

But, at first I want to share my 1 mistake with you. When I first submit application, it was for my blogger’s free domain (.blogspot) blog. I signed up directly from and submit application. Every time I submitted application, it was immediately rejected by Google saying that, I need top level domain. But, all know Adsense allow free blogspot sites. Then, I found out my mistake. For free blogspot blog, you have to apply for Adsense through blogger platform. Otherwise you will not get your Adsense account. So, in this article I explained how to apply for Adsense from blogger.
  • First you need a gmail account. Create it or if you already have it, go to and log in using it.
  • Next you will have to create a blog. So, click on “New Blog” that you will find left side of your screen. New window will appear.
  • Now, put your blog title, your blog address and choose a template for you blog. Select simple template as you are a new user. You can customize it later.
  • Then, create 20-30 useful and unique posts. Do not copy and paste content from other websites. So, read Google Adsense Term and Conditions carefully before you start writing. You have to keep in mind that contents are the main things for approval. Your blog’s language must be English. You can use other language after getting full approval.
  • Share your posts links in social bookmarking sites, forums and other blogs. In a word, you will have to let people know that you have a blog. Otherwise, none will visit your blog. And without visitors, you can never earn from Adsense. If you have good amount of visitors, Adsense will give more priority to your blog.
  • Then, you must create a Privacy Policy page in your blog (mentioned on Adsense requirement).
  • Next, you have to apply to Google Adsense. Select your blog and click on “Earnings” tab. Then click “Get started”. 
  • From new window click “Create Account”.
  • Now you will get a form. Fill it out carefully. All information is same as Application form for top level domain website except the website’s URL. You do not have to put URL here. You can not change Payee name later. So, put true payee name carefully according to payee’s bank account. Otherwise you won’t get money.
Note: Please do not fill the form before knowing importance of all options. So, read my this post- How to Get Google Adsense for Website. There I've explained it details.
  • At last recheck the form and submit it. Google Adsense uses “2 step review” process now. 1st step will be done within 2-3 hours and you will get partial approval. They will send you an email. Check the email. Next, log in to your Adsense account from “Earning” tab. This time you can see a new page with new tab called “View dashboard”. Choose show ads on blog and save settings.
  • Click “View dashboard”. You can see a new window. It is your Google Adsense account. Now get your Adsense ad code from there. Copy it and paste on your blog.
  • To paste code on your blog, click “Layout” from your blog. Click “Add a Gadget” and select “HTML/JavaScript” from new window. Now a box will appear. Paste the code in it and save it.
  • Then, you will have to wait for final step of approval. It may take 7 to 30 days. They will inform you by an email. After getting approval you can use ads on your desire places and make money. But, if you do not get Google Adsense approval for first time, find out the problem, solve the problem and keep trying for getting approval.